The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment Board has successfully conducted the UP Police Constable examination, and aspirants are eagerly waiting for the answer key. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the unofficial answer key, including set-wise PDF downloads.
UP Police Constable Answer Key 2024
The answer key plays a crucial role in helping candidates evaluate their performance and estimate their scores. It also helps in identifying areas of improvement and preparation for future exams.
Unofficial Answer Key: An Overview
The unofficial answer key is prepared by experts and coaching institutions based on their analysis and knowledge of the exam pattern. While it may not be entirely accurate, it provides a reliable estimate of the correct answers.
Set-Wise Answer Key
The UP Police Constable exam consisted of multiple sets, and we will provide a set-wise answer key for each. Candidates can download the PDFs for their respective sets and evaluate their performance.
Set A Answer Key
1. C | 16. A | 31. D | 46. B | 61. B | 76.D | 91.D | 106.D | 121.B | 136.B |
2. C | 17. C | 32. C | 47. C | 62. C | 77.A | 92.C | 107.D | 122.C | 137.D |
3. C | 18. A | 33. D | 48. C | 63. B | 78.C | 93.D | 108.D | 123.D | 138.C |
4. A | 19. A | 34. B | 49. D | 64. D | 79.C | 94.C | 109.B | 124.A | 139.C |
5. A | 20. C | 35. C | 50. C | 65. C | 80.A | 95.D | 110.B | 125.C | 140.A |
6. D | 21. C | 36. D | 51. D | 66. A | 81.C | 96.C | 111.D | 126.C | 141.B |
7. A | 22. A | 37. D | 52. A | 67. | 82.C | 97.D | 112.C | 127.B | 142.B |
8. C | 23. C | 38. C | 53. D | 68. D | 83.D | 98.A | 113.A | 128.C | 143.B |
9. C | 24. C | 39. A | 54. D | 69. B | 84.C | 99.D | 114.A | 129.C | 144.B |
10. A | 25. D | 40. C | 55. A | 70. D | 85.C | 100.D | 115.B | 130.D | 145.D |
11. B | 26. C | 41. A | 56. B | 71. D | 86.A | 101.A | 116.B | 131.A | 146.B |
12. C | 27. C | 42. C | 57. C | 72. B | 87.A | 102.A | 117.A | 132.B | 147.B |
13. D | 28. A | 43. A | 58. D | 73. A | 88.D | 103.C | 118.D | 133.C | 148.B |
14. A | 29. A | 44. A | 59. A | 74. A | 89.A | 104.A | 119.B | 134.C | 149.A |
15. C | 30. C | 45. C | 60. D | 75. B | 90.D | 105 |
Set A Answer Key By Jagran Josh
1. A | 16. B | 31. A | 46. B | 61. A | 76.A | 91.D | 106.B | 121.b | 136.D |
2. A | 17. D | 32. C | 47. C | 62. B | 77.C | 92.A | 107.C | 122.D | 137.D |
3. D | 18. A | 33. A | 48. B | 63. C | 78.A | 93.C | 108.B | 123.A | 138.C |
4. C | 19. D | 34. D | 49. B | 64. D | 79.A | 94.A | 109.B | 124.D | 139.C |
5. D | 20. D | 35. B | 50. B | 65. D | 80.C | 95.A | 110.C | 125.D | 140.A |
6. D | 21. B | 36. C | 51. C | 66. B | 81.A | 96.B | 111.C | 126.C | 141.B |
7. C | 22. A | 37. D | 52. C | 67. C | 82.A | 97.B | 112.A | 127.C | 142.B |
8. A | 23. C | 38. B | 53. B | 68. C | 83.A | 98.B | 113.A | 128.C | 143.C |
9. A | 24. B | 39. A | 54. A | 69. C | 84.A | 99.D | 114.D | 129.D | 144.D |
10. A | 25. D | 40. D | 55. C | 70. C | 85.D | 100.A | 115.A | 130.B | 145.C |
11. D | 26. B | 41. B | 56. A | 71. D | 86.B | 101.D | 116.B | 131.C | 146.C |
12. B | 27. A | 42. A | 57. A | 72. A | 87.B | 102.A | 117.D | 132.C | 147.B |
13. B | 28. D | 43. A | 58. C | 73. A | 88.C | 103.C | 118.C | 133.A | 148.B |
14. A | 29. D | 44. C | 59. B | 74. A | 89.B | 104.D | 119.A | 134.C | 149. A |
15. B | 30. B | 45. D | 60. A | 75. A | 90.B | 105.D | 120.D |
How to Download Answer Key PDFs
Candidates can download the set-wise answer key PDFs from the links provided below:
[Insert download links]
Preparation Tips for Future Exams
While waiting for the official results, candidates can utilize this time to prepare for future exams. Here are some tips to improve your performance:
- Analyze your mistakes and identify areas of improvement
- Focus on weak subjects and practice regularly
- Practice mock tests and previous year question papers
- Stay updated with current events and affairs
The UP Police Constable unofficial answer key 2024 is a valuable resource for candidates to evaluate their performance and prepare for future exams. We hope this article provides a comprehensive guide to the answer key and helps candidates in their preparation journey.